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Enhancing the quality of life and empowering the communities where we operate.

Our Sustainability &
ESG Initiatives

Key ESG Practices And Sustainability Development Goals
A Sustainably Conscious Organisation

As a sustainably conscious organisation, we take a three-pronged holistic approach towards sustainability, covering all business areas. We believe our approach of embedding the triple bottom line into our business operations, objectives, and goals ensures that the Group will remain relevant in the longer term.

Commitment Towards Sustainability

Easy access to
Reliable power, clean water, and effective waste disposal.


Greener energy sources
From fossil fuels to renewables.


Cleaner environment
Effective and efficient waste management as part of a circular economy.

Group-wide Sustainability Development Goals

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development were all adopted by all members of the United Nations community to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. We have adopted the following goals:

Environmental Sustainability

Amongst our commitment to help maintain environmental sustainability is reducing carbon emission of our operations across the Group. This initiative is made possible through waste diversion activities which include the segregation of recyclable waste and recovery activities.

Committed to Fulfilling Sustainable Development Goals Objectives

In fulfilling the SDGs, we have been actively promoting the new sustainable economic concept to ensure the public has access to proper sustainable waste management and facilities.

Transition to a Cleaner Energy Future

As part of our commitment to mitigate the impacts of climate change, we have committed to transitioning towards a cleaner energy future by developing RE assets within the areas of solar,
small hydro, biogas and waste-to-energy. Along with this, the viability of our thermal plants is even more relevant today, as thermal plants can produce energy more efficiently than conventional plants.
This commitment is in line with our desire to be an energy-efficient manufacturer, in support of the Government’s target to achieve 31% RE capacity in the national energy mix by 2025.

Circular Economy in Waste Management
  • Under the SDG 12 objective, we aim to "do more and better with less" to tackle waste management.

  • For starters, the linear economy becomes a disadvantage to the environment due to its take, make, and dispose concept.

  • As such, we plan to transition to change our way of delivering products and services from that of linear economy into an eco-friendlier one.

  • This way, resources are maintained and waste eliminated as best possible to achieve a sustainable circular economy.

  • For example, we use the 5R of waste segregation via Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recover and Recycle.

Our Initiatives Towards
Reducing Carbon Footprint

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