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In the spirit of the Hijri New Year, Malakoff held a Ceramah Perdana, featuring Ustaz Haslin Bollywood at the Malakoff Academy of X-Cellence (MAX) auditorium on 13 September, attended by approximately 80 KLHQ staff.

Ustaz Haslin, with his talk titled ‘Secebis Hidayah, Menggapai Maghfirah’, was good-humoured and knowledgeable. He started by saying that as servants of Allah we should be thankful for the bountiful opportunities that were given to us and therefore, we must be grateful for Allah’s endless blessings. Stories and anecdotes that were relayed in a relaxed and witty manner captured the crowd’s attention throughout the talk.

Ustaz Haslin also quoted a few verses from the Holy Quran, which reminded us that in our journey to search for Allah’s mercy and to become a good servant, we cannot escape from being tested. Hence, during these trying times, Ustaz Haslin reminded us that we must seek refuge from Allah and pray for the strength to walk away from performing bad deeds.

“Everything we do is based on our niat, or intentions, which is in your heart and also your will,” Ustaz Haslin said.
On a more serious note, Ustaz Haslin explained that Allah SWT is the Most Merciful and the Most Forgiving, and He will forgive and bless His servants verily. Therefore, we should show our thanks to Allah by performing solat and act like a true Muslim.

The points given by Ustaz Haslin in the Ceramah Perdana were good reminders, especially at the beginning of the new Hijri year, to align our resolution and motivate us in our quest to be a good servant of Allah SWT.