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Malakoff Corporation Berhad (Malakoff) successfully organized “Malakoff Road Safety Campaign” on 13 October 2016 at parking area, Masjid Al-Amin Sungai Dinar, Mukim Serkat. This event is a collaboration between Malakoff, Jabatan Keselamatan Jalan Raya (JKJR), Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat (Bomba), Polis Di-Raja Malaysia (PDRM) and other relevant in-house contractors at the Tanjung Bin facilities.

As a responsible corporate citizen, Malakoff initiated this collaborative campaign to the staff and local community to inculcate them with positive attitude towards road safety and to educate them that road safety is a shared responsibility.

The campaign was launched by En. Abdul Samir bin Mahadi, Chairman of the Development and Security Kawasan 1 (JKKK) Mukim Serkat, who was grateful that Malakoff was taking a lead on this programme.
“The roads leading to the power plant is commonly used by the locals. With this campaign, it will give them a greater safety awareness while on the road,” he added.

A total of 300 participants consisting of Mukim Serkat village folks, schoolchildren from Sek. Keb. Sungai Boh and Tanjung Bin staff attended the campaign. Various activities were conducted throughout the campaign, among others a road safety talk by JKJR, a fire truck demonstration by Bomba, a demonstration on motorcycle maneuvering and a video presentation on bicycle safety. In addition to that, JKJR, PDRM and Bomba also held information booths for the benefit of the participants.

Speaking of the event, En. Mohd Shokri Daud, Senior Vice President, Local Generation Division, hoped this campaign would improve public awareness on road safety. “Malakoff values safety as one of the most important aspects of its operations. The campaign is done with this in mind and the involvement of the neighbouring community ensures that more people benefit from this programme,” he concluded.