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MIFR 2012/2013 is just around the corner and we would like to thank the 1,000 riders for registering with us!
Below is the program for the two-day ride:
Date : 31 December 2012 (Monday)
Time : 5.30am – 4.00pm
Venue : R&R Bagan Ajam, Butterworth Outer Ring Road (BORR)
Day 1: 31 December 2012 ( 180km)
5.30am : Open of registration lines & collection of rider plates. Check-in COMPULSORY! ( N05 26.158' E100 22.667)
6.45am : Arrival of VIP and ride briefing. Registration counter closes
7.00am : Flag off by VIP.
9.00am : Jersey and riders plate collection counter opens.
2.30pm : Arrival of first wave of riders. Check-out COMPULSORY to collect your jersey EVEN IF THE SWEEPER LORRY SENDS YOU BACK
3.30pm : Last check out of riders. Jersey counter closes.
End of Day 1
Date : 1 January 2013 (Tuesday)
Time : 5.30am – 2.00pm
Venue : Taman Perbandaran Pulau Pinang (Youth Park)
Day 2: 1 January 2013 ( 86km) - Please wear sponsor jersey
5.30am : Open of registration lines & collection of rider plate. Check-in COMPULSORY to collect your jersey if you have not done so the day before. ( N05 25.767' E100 17.853)
6.45am : Arrival of VIP and ride briefing. Registration counter closes
7.00am : Flag off by VIP.
9.00am : Collection of jersey for participants not riding on both days. Rider plates will not be given to participants who fail to ride on any of the day thus making them not eligible for lucky draw.
11.00am : Arrival of cyclists at finishing line. Check-out COMPULSORY to collect lucky draw numbers EVEN IF THE SWEEPER LORRY SENDS YOU BACK
12.00pm : Arrival of Sweepers/Last check-out
12.30pm : Buffet Lunch, lucky draw and mock-cheque presentation. Only participants with VALID RIDING PLATES are eligible for the LUCKY DRAWS.
End of Day 2
Please take time to read the MIFR Safety Notes (click here) to ensure a safe and pleasant ride.