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On 11 November 2019, Malakoff Corporation Berhad (Malakoff) launched its annual HSSE Week that aims to promote awareness and further enhance safety culture among its staff at the workplace. Officiated by Malakoff’s Chief Executive Officer, Dato’ Ahmad Fuaad Kenali, the event was simultaneously launched at Tanjung Bin Power Plant (TBPP) via a live telecast with Lumut Power Plant (LPP) and Prai Power Plant (PPP).
The launch commenced with a speech by Dato’ Fuaad on Group HSSE’s commendable performance throughout the year with zero Lost Time Incident (LTI) recorded for both operation and project and a significant reduction in safety-related incidents.
Dato’ Fuaad also congratulated everyone for the achievement awards received by TBPP, LPP and PPP. These include The National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (NCOSH) Excellence Award 2018 and The Malaysian Society for Occupational Safety & Health (MSOSH) Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Award 2018 Gold Class I for LPP, MOSOH OSH Award 2018 Gold Class 2 for TBPP and MSOSH OSH Award 2018 Gold Merit for PPP.
He further emphasised on the safety accountability that stresses the importance of taking care of your own personal safety and others, taking immediate response when faced with unsafe activity or condition, promptly reporting incidents, near misses and potential safety hazards, suggesting corrective and preventive actions and adhering to safety SOPs at all times. These are all significant steps in building a proactive safe environment.
The event then proceeded with a pledge ceremony led by Malakoff’s Chief Operating Officer, En. Habib Husin. The pledge symbolises the promise undertaken by all staff, vendors and contractors to ensure that:
Safety is their Number 1 priority;
They know the hazards of their job and they know how to complete the job safely;
They will wear proper personal protective equipment at all times;
They will comply with all regulatory requirements, safety rules and procedures and will NEVER take shortcuts; and
When they observe unsafe acts and unsafe conditions, they must take action and report what they see to their respective immediate supervisors.
Additionally, all staff are also expected do everything possible to prevent incidents and occupational diseases and to protect the environment in the interest of themselves, their families, the Company, the local community, and the nation at large.