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  • Malakoff Appreciates Employees in Award Giving Ceremony

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Malakoff Appreciates Employees in Award Giving Ceremony 20 October 2015 Rewards were presented to 126 long-serving employees 21 October 2015, Johor Bahru – Malakoff Corporation Berhad (Malakoff) celebrated its long-serving employees in an awards ceremony held in conjunction with the Malakoff Sports Carnival, at the Mutiara Johor Bahru, recently. A total of 126 long-serving employees consisting of 24 recipients for the 20 years awards, 47 recipients for the 15 years and 55 recipients for 10 years, were celebrated as recognition of their long and proud careers with the Company. Shaharul Farez Hassan, Executive Vice President, Corporate of Malakoff presented the award to the recipients. Speaking at the event, he said “Our loyal employees are the driving force of Malakoff. We acknowledge the blood and sweat that they have shed to bring Malakoff to the level it is today.” “The Long-Term Service Award is a symbol of appreciation to our staff’s long-term contributions while reinforcing a positive working environment at the Company.” Certificates of award and cash incentives were presented to them as a token of appreciation for their contributions to the Company. One of the recipients for the night, Leny Safinaz Ismail, who has been with the Company since 1993 said, “I have worked with Malakoff for 22 years now. I first started my career from a non-executive position. I am grateful that Malakoff gave me the opportunity to develop and improve myself. Now, I hold a Managerial position in Malakoff and I’m pleased that I’m able to share my knowledge and inspire people that I work with.” Adding to that, Shahril Mohamed Salleh, who has served Malakoff for more than 15 years commented on his career at Malakoff. “I enjoyed working with Malakoff as Malakoff acknowledges the contribution of its employees. The great bond amongst colleagues forges a strong teamwork that encourage me to give my best to the company,” he said. In conjunction with the Long Term Service Award, a carnival-like fun-filled sports event called the Malakoff Sports Carnival where employees from Malakoff’s sites in Prai, Port Dickson, Lumut, Tanjung Bin and Kuala Lumpur headquarters went head to head against each other in the spirit of camaraderie. A total of 7 outdoor and indoor sports games were contested including ping pong, volleyball, badminton, bowling, pool, futsal and football. The Tanjung Bin Team collected the most points and emerged as the champion of this year’s Sports Carnival.

  • Malakoff Holds Friendly Bowling Tournament with Johor State Authorities

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Malakoff Holds Friendly Bowling Tournament with Johor State Authorities 4 November 2022 On 4th November 2022, Malakoff Corporation Berhad (“Malakoff”) had organised a friendly bowling tournament with Badan Kawalselia Air Negeri Johor (“BAKAJ”), Department of Environment (“DOE”) Johor and Department of Occupational Safety & Health (“DOSH”) at Pelangi Leisure Mall in Johor. The event was part Malakoff’s continuous engagement with the local authorities to further enhance its working relationship. The event was attended by 80 participants and officiated by Tanjung Bin Power Plant (“TBPP”) Manager, Encik Kopli bin Yunus. All participants were divided into groups and were assigned with their respective lanes. Upon making the first throw which indicated the start of the tournament, participants’ boosted spirit and morale were already evidently visible with cheers and chants being thrown from various teams in show of support to their own team members. As the first round is usually considered as the warm-up round, many teams were later seen gathering thoughts and strategies before heading into the second round. Suggestions and advice from the more experienced participants were shared among team members to ensure higher points would be collected and reflected on the score screen. After a gruelling 2-round tournament with plenty of surprises and anticipation, Team 9, consisting of Ku Fitrie, Shukril, Amir & Shafei from DOE Johor emerged victorious with 966 points collected. This was followed by Team 5 (BAKAJ team) and Team 3 (DOSH team) with 927 and 917 points collected respectively. For the individual categories, Humairah Mahpoz from Malakoff rose as the Female champion with 254 points while Muhammad Nur Iqbal bin Khalid from Malakoff took the crown as the Male champion with 404 points. With engaging and fun activities such as this with its key stakeholders, Malakoff aims to further cultivate the spirit of ‘silaturrahim’ while simultaneously enhancing its working relationship towards fulfilling shared goals and objectives. We would like to thank everyone involved for the camaraderie and a great display of sportsmanship, and we hope to see you again in next year’s edition.

  • ISES 2022 - Empowering Energy Transition

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back ISES 2022 - Empowering Energy Transition 29 August 2022 In line with its strategic roadmap towards becoming a more sustainably conscious organisation, Malakoff Corporation Berhad (“Malakoff”) had recently participated in the International Sustainable Energy Summit (“ISES”) 2022 held from 29 to 30 August 2022 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center. ISES is a biennial event that serves as a knowledge-based platform specifically focusing on renewable energy and energy efficiency. Launched by the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Yang Amat Berhormat (“YAB”) Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, the event was organised by the Sustainable Energy Development Authority (“SEDA”) Malaysia in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (“KeTSA”). Malakoff was one of the Platinum Strategic Partners, in support of the event. The summit began with a welcoming speech by the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Yang Berhormat (“YB”) Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan. This was followed by a keynote address highlighting this year’s theme, “Empowering Energy Transition” by the Director General of International Renewable Energy Agency (“IRENA”), His Excellency Francesco La Camera, who shared key data on RE trends and insights on the forthcoming Malaysian Energy Transition Outlook. The Prime Minister was then invited to the stage to address the attendees who comprised industry leaders and experts, before officiating the summit. Focusing his speech on the future of RE in Malaysia, Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri concluded by announcing that the Government is building Malaysia’s first green energy islands at Pulau Redang and Pulau Perhentian, which will supply consumers there with 24-hour electricity by 2025. The pioneering project will be supplied with a consistent, affordable and low-carbon supply of electricity, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 70% from 2022 levels. After the officiation ceremony, the Prime Minister made his way to visit the corporate booths. He was greeted by our Chairman, Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Ir. Ahmad Tajuddin Ali and- Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer Yang Berusaha Encik Anwar Syahrin Abdul Ajib at Malakoff’s Pavillion. Malakoff’s subsidiaries, Malakoff Radiance Sdn Bhd (“Malakoff Radiance”), Malakoff Technical Solutions Sdn Bhd (“MTSSB”), Alam Flora Sdn Bhd (“Alam Flora”) as well as Alam Flora Environmental Solutions (“AFES”) were present throughout the conference to showcase their products and services, addressing queries from visitors while engaging with business prospects and exchanging thoughts with other industry experts. Overall, the event brought about key insights and discussions that include envisioning the future of the electricity market to achieve the Government’s RE target in the national capacity mix of 31% by 2025 and 40% by 2035. Malakoff’s participation in ISES 2022 is certainly a testament to our commitment towards accelerating our efforts in RE and environmental solutions to reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to the country’s transition to be a Carbon-Neutral Nation by 2050.

  • UMP Switching on Green Technology Launch 2018

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back UMP Switching on Green Technology Launch 2018 10 July 2018

  • Alstom signs Euro 150 million Long-Term Parts Supply Agreement with Malakoff subsidiary, Teknik Janakuasa Sdn Bhd for Lumut Power Plant

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Alstom signs Euro 150 million Long-Term Parts Supply Agreement with Malakoff subsidiary, Teknik Janakuasa Sdn Bhd for Lumut Power Plant 12 September 2011 (From left): Alstom Country President Malaysia Saji Raghavan, Alstom Services Sdn Bhd managing director Chow Meng Hin, Malakoff Corporation Berhad Senior VP and TJSB Head of O&M Division Nordin Kasim and Malakoff Corporation Berhad CEO Zainal Abidin Jalil. French engineering group Alstom SA has signed a 11-year Long Term Service Agreement (LTSA) worth Euro 150 million or approximately RM 600 million, with Teknik Janakuasa Sdn. Bhd. (TJSB), the wholly owned O&M subsidiary company of Malakoff Corporation Berhad, Malaysia’s largest independent power producer (IPP). The LTSA covers all nine GT13E2 gas turbines and the scope includes the supply of new hot gas path components and provision of reconditioning services for all major inspections over the term of the contract. The Lumut power plant is located in Segari in the state of Perak, west of the Peninsula Malaysia. It consists of three combined cycle blocks each equipped with three GT13E2 units running on natural gas with oil as back-up fuel. With a total electricity output of 1,943 MW, it is the largest GT13E2-based combined cycle power plant worldwide. Our dynamic & witty MC, Sharifuddin Othman (Malakoff) in action… This contract follows an earlier 7-year service agreement with TJSB for the Lumut plant, which has been in operation since 2004. “ The extension of the service contract at Lumut reflects TJSB’s confidence in Alstom’s support and our successful performance. The well proven cooperation between TJSB and Alstom will ensure continued safe operation and high availability of the Lumut power plant, ” remarked Hans-Peter Meer, Senior Vice President, Alstom Thermal Services. “ Given Teknik Janakuasa is both focused and dedicated to improving the performance of our installed base of 1,950 MW turbines at Lumut, we believe this Agreement with Alstom will help us with our long term assest management coverage as well as optimising our annual energy production ~ key factors for success in today’s challenging energy industry, ” added En. Zainal Abidin, Chief Executive Officer, Malakoff Corporation Berhad. (From left): Proud team photo of representatives from Alstom, TJSB and Malakoff.

  • Maulidur Rasul Peringkat Negeri Johor 2016

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Maulidur Rasul Peringkat Negeri Johor 2016 11 December 2016

  • Friendly Football with MESTECC 2018

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Friendly Football with MESTECC 2018 25 October 2018

  • Media Familiarisation Trip to Tanjung Bin Energy Power Plant (T4)

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Media Familiarisation Trip to Tanjung Bin Energy Power Plant (T4) 20 March 2016

  • Malakoff Holds Its Annual Motivational Camp for Its Seven Adopted Schools in Mukim Serkat

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Malakoff Holds Its Annual Motivational Camp for Its Seven Adopted Schools in Mukim Serkat 7 December 2023 As part of Malakoff Corporation Berhad (“Malakoff”)’s continuous engagement with the local communities, a fun-filled and educational 3-day motivational camp was held from 7 to 9 December 2023 at D’Bemban Camp and Eco Resort in Kulai, Johor. Attended by 140 students and 14 dedicated teachers from Malakoff’s seven adopted primary schools in Mukim Serkat, Pontian, the programme was aimed at fostering a love for nature, instilling academic awareness and responsibility, and forging stronger bonds among students and teachers. The participating schools were SK Seri Sinaran Chokoh, SK Andek Mori, SK Permas Kelapa, SK Serkat, SK Sg Durian, SJKC Pei Chiao and SK Sg Boh. On the first day, upon gathering for a briefing and an ice-breaking session, the students were treated to a knowledge workshop where they were enlightened with the acquired skills to enhance a good teamwork. The camp then proceeded with a lesson on various tie-knots and ways to conduct a night rescue mission, which serves as a basic life skill for participants during unprecedented emergency events. Before Day 1 wrapped up, the camp ended with a brief session on the importance of instilling self-confidence to achieve one’s ambitions and dreams. During the camp’s second day, the participants were presented with various recreational activities that were aimed to challenge their mental and physical capabilities, starting with a warm-up exercise routine followed by a jungle survival training session, typically designed to equip the participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to survive and thrive in a rainforest environment. Additionally, they were also taught the basics of first aid kit application in case of an emergency. After a long first half of the day, came the highlight of Day 2 where participants were encouraged to showcase their artistic abilities through cultural performances during ‘Malam Kebudayaan’. Experiencing the unveiling of everyone's hidden talents was deeply moving for all involved. The genuine camaraderie that emerged was not only encouraging but also heartwarming. As the camp came to its closing, the participants were presented with ‘Explorace’ where their quick-thinking and team cohesion skills were tested. After an invigorating two-hour race, a closing ceremony was conducted to honour and celebrate the participants' dedication and effort. The closing ceremony was attended by Ketua Pegawai Pendidikan Daerah Pontian Tuan Haji Abd Rahman Salleh, Ketua Kampung Kg Chokoh Encik Ahmad Shuib Haji Hasnuddin and Senior Manager of Malakoff’s Group Communications and Branding Encik Md Yuha Ismail. The event was further graced by the Headmasters of SK Seri Sinaran Chokoh, SK Serkat, SK Andek Mori, SK Permas Kelapa, and SK Sg Boh. This initiative is part of Malakoff’s Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) initiatives, focusing on the Community pillar which aligns with Malakoff’s tagline, “Enhancing Life, Enriching Communities”. Besides enhancing a close working relationship with various stakeholders and the local communities, we hope that initiatives like these will further cultivate the spirit of ‘giving back to the community’ while fostering a stronger bond between one another.

  • Malakoff Grooms Young Leaders

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Malakoff Grooms Young Leaders 20 October 2013 24 UNITEN Students Selected for Company’s Talent Development Programme Malakoff Corporation Berhad (Malakoff) has awarded 24 promising undergraduates from Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) with placements under the Malakoff-UNITEN Talent Acceleration Programme (MUTAP), as part of its commitment to nurture young Malaysians to become future leaders. The talent development effort initiated by Malakoff and UNITEN in collaboration with Leaderonomics offers students a year-long experiential learning programme, enabling them to develop new skills including critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, communication, creativity and innovation through hands-on experience as well as coaching sessions. Speaking at the event, Bani Zainal, Senior Vice President, Corporate Services Division, Malakoff, said, “At Malakoff, we proactively engage with local universities and contribute to the development of young talents through efforts including MUTAP, in line with Malaysia’s vision to invest in human capital as a key enabler to build a knowledge-intensive and high-income nation.” “Through MUTAP, we hope to nurture our bright graduates for leadership roles with hands-on job experience and ample opportunities to develop their potential. This is part of our commitment to work with local universities to ensure a sustainable pipeline of talent for the industry,” he added. The year-long MUTAP will adopt a 70-20-10 learning approach, which is a proven methodology to increase learning effectiveness and ensure skills retention as compared to formal training. Students will devote 70% of their time on live and action-based learning projects, supported by 20% mentoring as well as coaching sessions, with the remaining 10% on formal courses and reading. The selected 24 high achievers are currently in their third and fourth year from the Faculty of Electricity and Electronics, Electrical Power, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Information Technology of UNITEN. Recognising the importance of diversity in any given organisation, Malakoff has also shortlisted four international students from Yemen, Palestine, Sudan, and Jordan to participate in the programme to foster better intercultural communication among the students. Dato' Prof. Ir. Dr. Ibrahim Hussein, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and Research) said, “We take pride in promoting lifelong and continuous learning in our students as we firmly believe that we need to be constantly exposed to new skills and knowledge in order to remain competitive in today’s economic environment.” “I applaud Malakoff’s long-term commitment and collaboration in ensuring that our graduates are well equipped with the necessary skills to excel in their careers through various efforts including MUTAP,” he added. Earlier this month, Malakoff also saw the kick-off of the Leadership Club at UNITEN, which is a key step in driving student engagement. The Club currently comprises 37 students from various faculties and age group pledging to spearhead youth leadership at the university. Over and above MUTAP, Malakoff initiated the “Share Us Your Love” programme in 2010 as a platform for UNITEN students to conduct a motivation and self-development camp for the children of Rumah Jagaan Siraman Kasih. The following year, the Company partnered with the graduates again for the project and helped mentor over 200 students from Sekolah Agama Rakyat Al-Ansar, specifically on self-development and religious education. Elaborating further on the Malakoff’s plan to roll-out the Talent Acceleration Programme, Bani added, “We are looking to expand the programme to other universities. We recognise that talent development is an ongoing process and requires significant time and resources, which Malakoff is committed to offer.” For more details on these and other initiatives by Malakoff, please visit

  • Malakoff Celebrates 21 Years of Excellence at Prai Power Plant

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Malakoff Celebrates 21 Years of Excellence at Prai Power Plant 30 July 2024 After 21 years of operation, Prai Power Plant (“PPP”), owned by Malakoff Corporation Berhad (“Malakoff”), gathered its staff for one last time in a farewell ceremony celebrating 21 years of excellence on 12 July 2024 at the plant in Penang. The plant ceased operations on 19 June 2024, following the expiration of its Power Purchase Agreement (“PPA”). The event was graced by the presence of Encik Mohd Kopli Yunus, Senior Vice President for the Local Generation Division, and Ir. Jauhar Mohamed, PPP Manager. Former plant managers Encik Abdul Rahman Hussin, Encik Anuar Lazim, Ir. Mohd Raziff Embi, as well as former Heads of Maintenance Encik Remmy Rashid and Encik Mazlan Abdullah, were also in attendance. The celebration marked two decades of delivering reliable and sustainable energy to our communities and served as an official platform for bosses and staff to express appreciation towards one another, who have worked tirelessly throughout the plant's operational period. The event also honoured the loyalty of its employees by presenting Long-Term Service Award (“LTSA”) to those who have contributed their efforts since the plant began operations in 2003. The awardees were Azli Mohd Nor, Tan Siong Khoon, Tarmizi Mohd Said, Azizi Sarif, and Suhaini Sulaiman. This award reflects genuine appreciation for their hard work and dedication, fostering a culture of motivation and excellence within the workforce. Malakoff remains proud of the accomplishments and grateful for the dedication of our incredible team, partners and all those who worked hard throughout the operational period. Equipped with advanced technology and featuring a unique single-shaft combined cycle unit configuration, PPP delivered 350 MW of reliable, efficient power to the national grid. Malakoff’s PPP embodies its commitment to Sustainable Development Goal (“SDG”) No. 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth whereover 21 years, it has provided reliable energy, fostering economic development and creating job opportunities in the community. This aligns with Malakoff’s overarching purpose of ‘Enhancing Life, Enriching Communities’ , by contributing to local prosperity and supporting sustainable economic growth. Thank you for being a part of this journey with us. Here’s to the legacy we’ve built and the possibilities ahead.

  • Malakoff Receives 3 Gold Awards at MSOSH OSH Award 2018

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Malakoff Receives 3 Gold Awards at MSOSH OSH Award 2018 31 July 2019 On 1 August 2019, Malakoff Corporation Berhad (Malakoff) received 3 awards at the Malaysian Society for Occupational Safety and Health (MSOSH) Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Award 2018 held at One World Hotel, Bandar Utama, Kuala Lumpur. The awards are Gold Merit for Prai Power Plant (PPP), Gold Class 1 for Lumut Power Plant (LPP) and Gold Class 2 for Tanjung Bin Power Plant (TBPP), all under the Utility Sector Category. The Award was presented by Yang Berhormat Dato’ Mahfuz Omar, Deputy Minister of Human Resources cum Chairman of National for Occupational Safety and Health, to En. Mohammed Azmil Ismail, Acting Head of Local Generation Division (LGD) on behalf of Malakoff. Also in attendance were PPP Plant Manager, En. Lan Sulkaimy Md Yusof, LPP Plant Manager, En. Mohd Salehuddin Abu Bakar and TBPP Plant Manager, En. Mohd Kopli Yunus. This is the first time that Malakoff participated in the MSOSH OSH Award. The MSOSH OSH Award is an annual event presented to organisations in Malaysia with effective and commendable OSH performance as validated by a panel of qualified auditors. The auditors comprise of representatives from MSOSH, Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial (PERKESO), National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH), SIRIM Berhad, Malaysian Employer Federation (MEF) and Federation of Malaysia Manufacturers (FMM). Dato’ Ahmad Fuaad Kenali, Chief Executive Officer of Malakoff congratulated Team Malakoff on the Awards and emphasised that “we must continuously embrace the industry’s best practice and inculcate health and safety culture at all levels of the organisation until it becomes second nature.” “We must at all times adhere to our Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to ensure that we do not only comply with relevant regulations but more importantly to eliminate the risk of safety incidents.” In 2018, LPP won the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (NCOSH) Excellence Award for the “Electricity Facility” category while PPP won the National Occupational Safety and Health (NOSH) Excellence Award in 2017 for the “Energy Facility” category based on their excellent OSH practices. Both awards were presented by DOSH under the Ministry of Human Resources.

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