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Water Desalination Portfolio
Shuaibah Water & Electricity Company (SWEC) and Shuaibah Expansion Project Company (SEPCO)

Shuaibah Independent Water & Power Project ("IWPP") is the first IWPP in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia utilising the Flue Gas Desulphurization ("FGD") technology along with low NOx burner and Electrostatic Precipitator ("ESP") in ensuring full compliance to the World Bank emission requirement.
Shuaibah Water & Electricity Company ("SWEC") was established for the construction, commissioning and operation of 900 MW of power and 880,000 m³/day of desalinated water.
Shuaibah Expansion Project Company ("SEPCO") is an expansion project to produce 150,000 m³/day using Reverse Osmosis ("RO") technology to meet the high water demand in the Holy City of Makkah, Jeddah, Taif and Al-Baha.
Together, SWEC and SEPCO are the largest desalination plants in the world, with a capacity of 1,030,000 m³/day water production.
For more information on SWEC & SEPCO, please visit Shuaibah IWPP.